Thursday, November 19, 2015

Comments for days

Comment on "Cutting Corners"

I think there was a conspiracy that planned parenthood was making it convenient for poor women to get abortions as a way to decrease the African American population. like you said, planned parenthood is being accused of all kinds of atrocities; and yet, I don't believe any of these accusations are based on any real evidence substantiating them. I agree with your conclusion that the government is using intrusive measures despite not having evidence of malpractice.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The biggest problem in Texas is racial division. Texas is controlled by “Anglo-Saxon” oil barons who are the descendants of slave owning, Native American genocide favoring, Mexican hating thugs. Everywhere I look (in Austin) it seems that the big problem is white dominance followed by the minorities’ retaliations. In turn, retaliation is met with police brutality and never-ending fines and probation that rob minorities of time to pursue opportunities at bettering their financial standing.

African Americans are being financially bullied out of a city that their families have lived in for generations. A city that suburban white kids from California, the East-coast, and the Midwest come to trying to prove something to their christian parents by spending their trust-fund money on covering themselves with tattoos and practically drinking themselves to death every night. The cost of living is going up and that's fine for the rich kids moving in but it's hell for poor African American families. 

Mexican-Americans are treated like second class citizens. If they fights back, "the oil baron race" has the police to subdue them. Police are often college drop-outs with deeply ingrained mentalities of hate towards minorities. police will fine Mexican Americans for minor drug felonies while avoiding areas where rich white kids are committing the same and more serious felonies. Both African Americans and Mexican Americans constantly live under the threat of being victimized by police brutality.

The city of Austin wants to increase its tax base by allowing waves of implants (rich whites) to move here and yet Austin is not adequately prepared to support the increasing population. This doesn't effect the wealthy (who are mostly white) but it does effect the poor (who are predominately minorities). It's the rich whites who are making the decisions of where to spend this tax money. The tax money should be spent remedying the externalities of increasing rich white kid population that plagues the lives of minorities living in Austin.