Friday, October 23, 2015

Fred Witzell of The TexasFred Blog states in his article ‘It works’: Yuma’s fence, manpower make border nearly impenetrable that the border wall in Yuma is more effective than Democrats and  “faux Conservatives” would like to admit to. He states “When Americans think of a secure border…they see Yuma, Ariz. and the 20-foot high steel curtain separating it from Mexico". Overall I think this article was incredibly biased and I hate to say it but driven by a racial prejudice.

This article obviously appeals to a zealous Republican (white supremacist) audience. The first dead giveaway that the author has homicidal thoughts regarding Mexican immigrants was when he statedI thought about border jumpers and what should happen to them AT THE BORDER, that being; met with a .50 machinegun placed about every 200 or so yards and how those .50’s needed to be used to repel these invaders, one and all, man, woman and child.” He then goes on to say I personally don’t give a damn if they DO die in the desert. Desert critters have got to eat too you know.” He clearly thinks that Mexican immigrant’s lives are less valuable.

It’s guys like Witzell that make issues like border control look like a racially motivated joke. This article makes me wonder if the general public is going to stop taking border control seriously and ultimately vote for representatives with more flexible stances on Mexican immigration.  Personally, I think the best solution to this whole dilemma is establishing stronger diplomatic ties with Mexico to facilitate reforms in Mexican government that would both discourage illegal immigration and ideally root out the underlying issues encouraging it.

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