Friday, December 4, 2015

Religious Intolerance in Texas

The fear of Islam in Texas is incredibly unfounded. Greg Abbot’s barring of Syrian refugees as a security measure goes to show how xenophobic the Republican Party’s mission really is. If anything Americans have the Christians to fear. Christians are racist, communist, terrorist radicals who would stop at nothing to destroy any competition in the sphere of philosophy and spiritualism.
The burning of the mosque (Quba Islamic Institute) in Houston on Feb 12, 2015 should be a good reminder of Christian intolerance of Islamic communities in Texas. This was shortly followed by countless justifications from the Christian community. Many argued that the violence committed against Muslims in the U.S. is nothing by comparison to the violence committed by Islam on Christians and Jews in the Middle East. The U.S. is not the Middle East. What Islam does in other countries isn’t our business. Our business is protecting the religious freedom of our citizens which includes our Muslim population who need our support now more than ever.
The main issue is that Christian Republicans have bullied out rational thought. If the Christians in power had things their way, abortion would be illegal, Islam would be banned in the U.S., the imaginary Jews running the system would be run out, African Americans would all be in jail, and Mexicans would still be used for cheap labor but told they didn’t belong here. Not all Christians are bad but “god damn it” seems like Christian hypocrisy is going to run this country into another mass genocide and Dark Age.

1 comment:

  1. Even though the fear of Islam in Texas carries plenty of misconception. I do not believe is unfounded. This is because, there is a terrorist organization from Islamic origin. Regardless, as many have spoken before me, the actions taken by the terrorist does not represent all of Islam and their people. And while it may be sometimes hard to distinguish terrorists from common people, I agree that the barring of Syrian refugees is out of hand. And the retaliative actions that have take part in the U.S. such as the burning of the mosque. Prove your point true. "Christian Republicans" have bullied our rational thought". Regardless, I would rather not emphasize the "Christian" in republicans. Because in my opinion, most "Christian Republicans" are merely Christians. Instead, the Christian name is used to appeal to the general population. I would emphasize it as the extreme right wing. The consequences of christian republicans having it their way as you mentioned, are: Illegal Abortions, Islam banned in the U.S., and more cheap labor for Mexicans. These consequences seem to be very conservative. Which is what the extreme right-wing is known for being.
