Friday, December 4, 2015

Response to Square dancing Syrian immigrants.

Your blog "Why I believe Syrian refugees should be welcome in Texas"
is really well structured and everything you state is relevant to the overall message you are trying to send. I completely agree that the reason why the U.S. is so successful is derived from the diversity of perspectives that comes from immigrants. Your post is also very reasonable in asking that all immigrants receive the same background and security checks because it is not dismissing the potential of terrorists trying to get through or disease epidemics arising from unchecked immigrants. I also really appreciate how you mentioned that it would be illegal for Greg Abbot to deny immigrants based on their religious affiliation or country of origin.

Religious Intolerance in Texas

The fear of Islam in Texas is incredibly unfounded. Greg Abbot’s barring of Syrian refugees as a security measure goes to show how xenophobic the Republican Party’s mission really is. If anything Americans have the Christians to fear. Christians are racist, communist, terrorist radicals who would stop at nothing to destroy any competition in the sphere of philosophy and spiritualism.
The burning of the mosque (Quba Islamic Institute) in Houston on Feb 12, 2015 should be a good reminder of Christian intolerance of Islamic communities in Texas. This was shortly followed by countless justifications from the Christian community. Many argued that the violence committed against Muslims in the U.S. is nothing by comparison to the violence committed by Islam on Christians and Jews in the Middle East. The U.S. is not the Middle East. What Islam does in other countries isn’t our business. Our business is protecting the religious freedom of our citizens which includes our Muslim population who need our support now more than ever.
The main issue is that Christian Republicans have bullied out rational thought. If the Christians in power had things their way, abortion would be illegal, Islam would be banned in the U.S., the imaginary Jews running the system would be run out, African Americans would all be in jail, and Mexicans would still be used for cheap labor but told they didn’t belong here. Not all Christians are bad but “god damn it” seems like Christian hypocrisy is going to run this country into another mass genocide and Dark Age.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Comments for days

Comment on "Cutting Corners"

I think there was a conspiracy that planned parenthood was making it convenient for poor women to get abortions as a way to decrease the African American population. like you said, planned parenthood is being accused of all kinds of atrocities; and yet, I don't believe any of these accusations are based on any real evidence substantiating them. I agree with your conclusion that the government is using intrusive measures despite not having evidence of malpractice.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The biggest problem in Texas is racial division. Texas is controlled by “Anglo-Saxon” oil barons who are the descendants of slave owning, Native American genocide favoring, Mexican hating thugs. Everywhere I look (in Austin) it seems that the big problem is white dominance followed by the minorities’ retaliations. In turn, retaliation is met with police brutality and never-ending fines and probation that rob minorities of time to pursue opportunities at bettering their financial standing.

African Americans are being financially bullied out of a city that their families have lived in for generations. A city that suburban white kids from California, the East-coast, and the Midwest come to trying to prove something to their christian parents by spending their trust-fund money on covering themselves with tattoos and practically drinking themselves to death every night. The cost of living is going up and that's fine for the rich kids moving in but it's hell for poor African American families. 

Mexican-Americans are treated like second class citizens. If they fights back, "the oil baron race" has the police to subdue them. Police are often college drop-outs with deeply ingrained mentalities of hate towards minorities. police will fine Mexican Americans for minor drug felonies while avoiding areas where rich white kids are committing the same and more serious felonies. Both African Americans and Mexican Americans constantly live under the threat of being victimized by police brutality.

The city of Austin wants to increase its tax base by allowing waves of implants (rich whites) to move here and yet Austin is not adequately prepared to support the increasing population. This doesn't effect the wealthy (who are mostly white) but it does effect the poor (who are predominately minorities). It's the rich whites who are making the decisions of where to spend this tax money. The tax money should be spent remedying the externalities of increasing rich white kid population that plagues the lives of minorities living in Austin.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fred Witzell of The TexasFred Blog states in his article ‘It works’: Yuma’s fence, manpower make border nearly impenetrable that the border wall in Yuma is more effective than Democrats and  “faux Conservatives” would like to admit to. He states “When Americans think of a secure border…they see Yuma, Ariz. and the 20-foot high steel curtain separating it from Mexico". Overall I think this article was incredibly biased and I hate to say it but driven by a racial prejudice.

This article obviously appeals to a zealous Republican (white supremacist) audience. The first dead giveaway that the author has homicidal thoughts regarding Mexican immigrants was when he statedI thought about border jumpers and what should happen to them AT THE BORDER, that being; met with a .50 machinegun placed about every 200 or so yards and how those .50’s needed to be used to repel these invaders, one and all, man, woman and child.” He then goes on to say I personally don’t give a damn if they DO die in the desert. Desert critters have got to eat too you know.” He clearly thinks that Mexican immigrant’s lives are less valuable.

It’s guys like Witzell that make issues like border control look like a racially motivated joke. This article makes me wonder if the general public is going to stop taking border control seriously and ultimately vote for representatives with more flexible stances on Mexican immigration.  Personally, I think the best solution to this whole dilemma is establishing stronger diplomatic ties with Mexico to facilitate reforms in Mexican government that would both discourage illegal immigration and ideally root out the underlying issues encouraging it.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Gissela SantaCruz writes to her fellow Texans in her article SantaCruz: Texas’ unjust policy hurts American-born children about the injustice of denying children of immigrant parents their right to acquire their birth certificates.  She immediately quotes the pope “We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them unto you,’” she uses this quote to propose that the pope wished for Americans to embrace immigrants. She then states that his message could have been elaborated to defend the rights of American born children with immigrant parents.

She informs her audience that Texas enforces state policy that calls on state registrars to reject matriculas which are a form of identification that is issued in mexico.  Gissela argues that the matriculas are acceptable forms of identification. She states that according to Salvador Ayala Velázquez, spokesperson for the Consulate General of Mexico in Austin, that the matricula has  safety features such as  being made out of a more durable material (than the Texas drivers licence) and has chips that verify a person’s identity.

This article seems to appeal to a Hispanic and or Liberal American audience but its argument doesn’t necessarily condemn any conservative principles, in fact, it reinforces them. Her final statement is that people born here in the U.S. should be treated as American citizens; which is a straight forward concept that even conservative or non-Hispanic (most likely of European  immigrant heritage) Americans cannot disagree with.

Overall I think her article was well written and provided readers with valid information concerning her argument; however, I think her article failed to mention the motives of parents. In my opinion, I think it's a good idea to discourage immigrants (including Europeans) from illegally entering the country and having children as a way to bully their way into buying themselves more time to remain in a country that didn’t approve of their entry.

Friday, September 18, 2015

After reading The Austin American Statesman's article Prosecution rests murder case against former Bastrop county deputy, I learned that Daniel Willis was accused of Murder in the shooting of Yvette Smith while on duty as a Bastrop county sheriff's deputy. Daniel Willis could face life in Prison. In February,16,2014, while responding to a domestic disturbance, Willis shot Smith twice with a AR-15 assault rifle two seconds after she opened the front door to her house to check on her boyfriend, Willie Thomas. Bastrop County deputies at the scene gave false information in reports that they had issued commands to Smith before former deputy Daniel Willis shot her. Deputy Scott Gaskamp told investigators they had ordered Smith to show them her hands. Camera footage caught from his patrol vehicle showed no commands were ever issued. His written reports were wrong and he had never told Smith to put her hands up. After being confronted with that evidence Gaskamp said “I did not say those words. It must have been a figment of my imagination,” Daniel Willis insisted that Smith had a gun; however, 11-year-old Desnic Houston witnessed the shooting and reported that he saw nothing in Smith’s hands when she opened the door. Yvette's sister told the court that her sister was non-violent person who had never expressed animosity towards the police. This article was a good reminder that the police need to be put in check.Texans should not have to live in fear of their police force murdering their citizens and cheating the justice system to avoid punishment.